Sunday, August 23, 2009


I'm back to where I belong and what I'm suppose to be..
Back to my worst nightmare..
Back to the place I don't like..
But even my lao gong also don't understand what is happening to me..
Even myself know.. I have no other solution..
But just to face it..
So many advice given..
So many experience shared..
So many encouragement given..
But still I don't want to face all these things..
I'm scare of the outcome..
I'm lost..
Totally lost this time..
I don't want to come back to reality..
I want to stay in fairy tales..
I found it more comfortable there..
Cos everything ends happily ever after..

Meanwhile, I just finish my midterm break..
This is what I've been on Saturday..
Half day trip to...

the road taken to the place...

the thing that keep me awake ~~

everyone !!!

nice.. vege pao

nice "wu kok"

at pantai remis..

nice background..

like this feeling..

love this photo so much..

ah pek tengah "fan".. wahahahaha

jumping pose..

the tower in Kuala Selangor

me n my lao gong..

on the way up to the hill..


time for sepak takraw..

like this photo.. so nice..

i hate them !!!


the 4 guys..

For the rest of the photos..
Please do check out in facebook..
I'm too tired to upload it here.. hahahaha..


Anonymous said...

jiayou!! u can do it!!

jetlim23 said...

hami a pek..

nway~gambate lar...

Chong Han said...

nice photo laopo.. must gambate in ur study lo... everything will go fine..

~SiMoN~ said...

walau jenna ong, wherever u go sure got jumping pose 1....

-jenna- said...

oil : thanks.. u too..
jetlim : memang ah pek ma.. no need
me to say..
lao gong : thanks lao gong.. i will do my best lo.. hehe
simon : jealous a? lai la.. next time jump together.. haha